The Fascinating History of Birthstones: Uncover the Origins and Meanings of Birthstones

The History of Birthstones

Have you ever wondered about the history of birthstones and what they mean? Well, wonder no more! Let's dive into the fascinating world of birthstones.

Historians trace birthstones back to ancient times when people believed that certain gemstones held special powers (some things never change). Ancient Greeks introduced the concept of birthstones, who thought that wearing a stone corresponding to your birth month would bring good luck and ward off evil.

Over time, different cultures developed their lists of birthstones, with each stone having a unique meaning and symbolism. Today, the most widely accepted list of birthstones, or modern birthstones, was established by the National Association of Jewelers in 1912. Traditional birthstones date back to the 15th century. There are also different birthstones for cabochons vs faceted gems. Here at the Stitch Alliance, I'm liberal with the birthstone collection and will use modern, traditional, and cabochon stones. 

So, what do birthstones mean? Each stone is said to have unique properties and can be used to bring good fortune, healing, or protection. For example, January's birthstone, the garnet, symbolizes friendship and trust, while September's birthstone, sapphire, is believed to bring wisdom and protection. Over the next few months, I'll take a deep dive into the specific characteristics and meanings of each month's birthstone. 

Beyond their meanings, birthstones are the perfect way to create personalized birthstone jewelry that celebrates your individuality and connection to your birth month. Whether you wear your birthstone as earrings, a necklace, or a bracelet, it's a great way to add a pop of color and meaning to your everyday look.

Birthstones have a rich history and meaning that can add a special touch to your jewelry collection. So why not embrace your birthstone and see what kind of luck and positive energy it brings?